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Crecimiento de la IED en MéxicoIn recent years, Mexico has experienced significant growth in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), reinforcing its position as a key destination for international capital. This surge presents excellent opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aiming to integrate into global value chains, as well as for foreign investors seeking new ventures in critical sectors.

2023: A Record Year for FDI in Mexico

The year 2023 was a turning point for the Mexican economy, setting a new historical high in FDI inflows. Global corporations have increasingly expanded operations in sectors such as manufacturing, technology, automotive, and electronics. Additionally, the trend of nearshoring — shifting production closer to major markets — has been pivotal, especially benefiting key industrial sectors.

Key States Receiving FDI Between 2022 and 2024

From 2022 to 2024, Mexico’s top FDI-receiving states include Mexico City, Nuevo León, Jalisco, Baja California, and Guanajuato. These states have attracted significant investment due to their strong infrastructure, strategic location, and prominence in high-demand industries. Notably, Mexico City captured 46% of foreign investment in 2024, followed by Nuevo León (7%), Baja California (6%), State of Mexico (5%), and Guanajuato (4%).

This growth in FDI not only signals a strong influx of foreign capital but also offers local SMEs opportunities to integrate into global supply chains. By partnering with international companies or providing goods and services to foreign corporations, small and medium-sized businesses can leverage this investment boom to expand their reach.

What Does This Mean for Foreign Investors?

For international investors, Mexico offers a favorable economic landscape, driven by its proximity to the United States, a growing domestic market, and key trade agreements. Sectors like automotive manufacturing, technology, and electronic component production continue to be particularly attractive and profitable. Furthermore, investor-friendly reforms and policies have bolstered confidence, encouraging the reinvestment of profits within the country.

Crecimiento de la IED en MéxicoConclusion: A Promising Future for Investment in Mexico

The steady rise of FDI in Mexico from 2022 to 2024 signals a bright future for both foreign investors and local SMEs. As Mexico strengthens its position as a global industrial and technological hub, business opportunities will continue to multiply. Both SMEs and international investors can benefit from this economic dynamism to grow and diversify their operations in one of Latin America’s most attractive markets.

Remember that at OLA Branding, we are your No. 1 ally for maximizing your opportunities in investment in Mexico and helping your business integrate into global value chains. Follow us on LinkedIn for more information and stay updated on the latest trends in business growth and international expansion!

  1. Líder Empresarial. (2024, September 17). The 10 States with the Most Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico: 2Q 2024. https://www.liderempresarial.com/los-10-estados-con-mas-inversion-extranjera-directa-en-mexico-2t-2024/
  2. Secretariat of Economy. (2024, June). Foreign Direct Investment Report 2Q 2024 (Public Version). https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/938797/Presentaci_n_IED_2T2024__versi_n_p_blica__VF.pdf
  3. Inmobiliare. (2024, August 21). Mexican Entities Capturing the Most Foreign Direct Investment in 2Q24. https://inmobiliare.com/inversion-extranjera-directa-entidades-mexico/
  4. Forbes México. (2023, January 10). Foreign Investment in Mexico Grew by 12% in 2022; These 5 Entities Captured the Most. https://forbes.com.mx/inversion-extranjera-en-mexico-crecio-12-en-2022-estas-5-entidades-son-las-que-mas-captaron/
  5. Forbes México. (2023, September 11). Mexico Hits New Record in Foreign Direct Investment in 2023. https://forbes.com.mx/mexico-tiene-nuevo-maximo-en-inversion-extranjera-directa-en-2023/
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